Group Philosophy
Pioneer Holdings LLC is a Dubai registered Global Project Management Service Provider which project manages a “fit-for-purpose” group of Civil Engineering Specialists born on the continent of Africa to serve the interests of Africans. Through our collaborated fields of expertise, and in the best interests of legacy creation on our continent, Pioneer Holdings subscribes to inclusive participation and sustainable social development values in each Project it participates in.

“Pioneer Holdings invests in the Territories in which it operates
through innovative and inclusive sharing of its resources”

Our ultimate goal of wealth creation is not a discriminatory challenge but a global milestone which is inclusive of all participating individuals and collective groups alike. It is our passioned intention to, through infrastructure development, build an Africa that
African’s will be proud of.

The growing presence of “international” turnkey groups plying their trades in the Civil Engineering Sector on the African continent was the catalyst which led to the collaborative inauguration of the Pioneer Holdings. The group identified the key need for “African-based” alternative engineering designs and solutions which will assist Governments across the continent and globe in their infrastructure delivery challenges previously compromised by ever increasing costs and questionable terms and conditions of ‘EPC+F’ participation.

A due diligence survey of the existing technologies and their methodologies adopted within the industry in Africa highlighted the need for a committed change in order that the continent could make a positive impact on its Infrastructure Development Programmes. It was found that the structural engineering technologies using steel and concrete had seen notable change resulting in cost-effective solutions to structures. However, it was the road construction sector which seemed opposed to change in that new and innovative technologies and their methodologies had not changed for decades.

It is within this sector of the industry that Pioneer Holdings will primarily focus its collective attention by offering sustainable alternative solutions which will assist Governments to rid themselves of the ever-increasing backlog in infrastructure delivery. It is common knowledge that the development of a country’s road network has a massive direct effect on its social and economic growth.

As an integral part of Pioneer Holdings’ commitment to social development and growth which is core to its operational ethos, inclusive skills development and the advancement of local entrepreneurial mentorship is ranked as a non-negotiable pre-requisite
engagement of its services.

Inclusive Services Offering (EPC+F Model)
The strategic amalgamation of various fields of expertise created in the Pioneer Holdings structure enables the group to offer its Clientele a complete ‘Engineering, Procurement, Construction + Funding’ (EPCF) service. Its shareholders have for the past 25 years been individually successfully active in Africa which supports the inauguration of the group to collectively support the needs of Africa, in Africa, by Africans. Pioneer Holdings has established working relationships with Professional Engineers who support its principles and philosophies. The amalgamated resources, skills and expertise resulting from the collaboration, equip the group with the necessary engineering tools to undertake multi-disciplined projects in the Civil Engineering Industry. Finally, the group’s
partnerships with international Alliance Fund Partners who embrace the Pioneer Holdings culture, has now added the ‘value-add’ aspect of funding to its services offering.

With the predicted pressure that COVID-19 has forced on our industry, a refocus on marketing strategies has been essential to our survival. It must be said that to continue to lead in a highly competitive industry, Pioneer Holdings have re-appropriated and
consolidated its African-based marketing strategy to develop a unique, resourceful and dynamic business model going forward to secure its presence in Africa and globally where opportunities may present. The success of this process will considerably
consolidate Pioneer Holdings’ strategic position in the market-place.

Funding is secured through an in-house due diligence investigation which includes an appraisal of the economic and social benefits which could result from the group’s involvement in a country’s Infrastructure Developments. The final negotiations and the terms and conditions of such a facility ultimately lies with the relevant Clientele Authorities and Pioneer Holding’s Fund Director finding an amicable and representative package which will result in the sustainable implementation of the project(s).

Project Financing and Implementation
The terms and conditions of the Operational Agreement between Pioneer Holdings and its Alliance Fund Partners is accountably inclusive of the guarantee of delivery and commitment to the project(s). It is for this reason that Pioneer Holdings, under this
‘EPC+F’ structure, is the Principal Agent – Pioneer Holdings will be responsible for the Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Financing of all aspects of the project and will ultimately be held liable and responsible to both Client and Alliance Fund Partner to successfully complete the works as agreed and specified.  In as far as the financing of the Project(s) is concerned, Pioneer Holdings will through a co-ordinated transparent approach engage with the Client in all aspects of the implementation process. The submission of the Financial Project Evaluation is submitted to the entire Project Team inclusive of Government for final acceptance and signature of the ‘EPC+F’ offering. Pioneer Holdings will then escalate to implement the Construction Phase of the Project(s).

In a pre-approved and co-ordinated Financial Agreement between the Alliance Fund Partner and Pioneer Holdings, Pioneer Holdings will administer and implement all project finances to complete the works as directed in the Contract Agreement.

World-Leading Resources and Technologies
The collaboration of various fields of expertise in the formation of Pioneer Holdings has essentially provided the group with a multi-disciplined offering to the Civil Engineering Industry. Its awareness of world-wide technology breakthroughs in the industry and the adoption of those identified to add-value to its solution offerings, has enabled the group to pioneer the industry in Infrastructure Development in Africa. Our core focus in the adjudication of the various technologies is a simple one :

‘The Provision Of Sustainably Economic Engineering Solutions’.
Pioneer Holdings, through a Strategic Partnership, has secured the world-leading and patented ‘Smart Road Material (SRM)’ technologies patented, designed and manufactured by Polyroads (Pty) Ltd, Johannesburg, South Africa. These world-leading
technologies and our passion-driven teams of engineers and staff is guaranteed to provide our valuable Clientele with economical and sustainable solutions to their infrastructure build.

In reiteration of the aforesaid, Pioneer Holdings promotes sustainable and effective engineering solutions to the Civil Engineering Industry as its core business. Its participation in creating growth and prosperity as a result of its ethical engagements with Government worldwide, precedes its own wealth by ensuring it builds a legacy with Government that will stand tall above all else.